26 Sep Applewood Community Information Clinics – Ballyroan Community Centre
We are delighted to announce that we are bringing our free Community Information Clinics to a second venue! From October 2013, Applewood Community Information Clinics will take place monthly in the Ballyroan Community Centre.
About The Applewood Community Information Clinics
The idea of the Community Information Clinics came about based on our experience working with the over 65’s locally and from feedback from our service users.
Finding yourself in a situation where you are solely responsible for caring for a loved one at home can often be an overwhelming and sometimes frightening experience. There are supports available but often accessing these supports can be difficult and often the information is not available in a suitable format.
According to the 2011 Census, internet usage among the over 65 population is on the increase however there remains over 300,000 older people in Ireland with no access to the internet. Yet helplines and information phone numbers of state services now direct people to websites for further information or to download forms.
Applewood Community Information Clinics are there to assist people in sourcing information relevant to their situation be that information on revenue or grants available or letting them know about support groups and meetings. We are not there to advise people just to help them source any information that might help in their specific situation.
For example, sourcing information, about; grants and applications, medical cards, pensions, local support groups, home security and providing that information in a suitable format.
The information clinics will take place in the Ballyroan Community Center on the following dates from 11.30am to 1pm
- Wednesday October 9th
- Wednesday November 13th
- Wednesday December 13th
No booking is necessary and we look forward to seeing you on the day.
For further information please phone us on 01 4992201