September 2018

This month Applewood Homecare are promoting Palliative Care Week 9 to 15 September 2018 : Palliative Care, Because Every Moment Matters which is to raise awareness & understanding of palliative care with the public.  2018 is the centenary of the birth of Dame Cicely Saunders who pioneered the modern hospice movement.  Nowadays, many people choose to end their days at home in the familiar environment they are used to surrounded by family and friends.

We have specialists in Palliative Support Care providing experienced, trained and trusted carers who work alongside hospice and palliative nurses providing practical and emotional support to families and clients with terminal illness.

Palliative care should be as flexible as possible and sensitive to personal, cultural and spiritual values, beliefs and practices of the individual.  Our approach is person-centred care with an emphasis on family support also.  The aim is to provide relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness.
The care plan should reflect those wishes and choices and all documentation must be reviewed and updated as necessary to continue to reflect changing needs/requests.

Should a client require help to follow their chosen cultural, faith and social lifestyle preferences then we will ensure appropriate guidance and support is provided.


You matter because you are you and you matter until the end of your life.

Dame Cicely Saunders



September Events

Palliative Care Week 9th -15th

Plastics Recycling Week 24th September

Monday October 1st which is International Day of Older People will be the annual Fashion Show

2019 Active IT Society  Annual Calendar – sponsored by Applewood Homecare

Social Lunches  Mon & Wed 11.30 – 2pm

Every Monday and Wednesday we serve lunch and encourage our members to relax and have a chat. Starting from 11.30, there’s often bingo or some other activity, with a three-course lunch served at 1. Lunches are freshly cooked every day & provided by Our Lady’s Hospice in Harolds Cross, with soup and tea or coffee made by our volunteers. For information, call Angela 01-490 2002.

Art Classes       Thur 2 – 4pm

Develop that latent artistic talent with help from professional artist Elena Hughes. Watercolour or oils, pastels or pencils, work at your own pace with this small friendly group.  For more information, call Norah on 01-490 7905.

Chair Aerobics Fri 11 – 12pm

Seated recreational exercise classes to music, suitable both for the older person or those with limited mobility. Gentle exercise designed to minimise the risk of injury. Taught by Extend Ireland professional Hazel Ensor.  For more information, please call Angela on 01-490 2002.

Terenure Men’s Shed    Wed 3 – 5pm

Weekly discussion meeting of the Men’s Shed in the Hall. However please note that the Men’s Shed group also meet at other times in their dedicated shed to the rear of Evergreen Hall, for more information call Niall on 086 361 3159.