Smell loss following COVID-19

For many people the loss of smell following a dose of COVID-19 can remain a problem long after the initial infection.  A strange symptom which doesn’t affect everyone, for most people it returns soon after the illness.  However, for the one in ten who suffer it can go on for months and months– some for up to eight months after!  If you are affected there are things you can try to help.


The  Smell Problem

Smell affected by COVID-19 is a very annoying symptom.  Not only is it that people can’t smell some odours at all (including toast burning under the grill!) also people can have ‘phantom’ smells whereby they smell noxious odours that don’t trouble other people!

The smell problem can put people right off their normal eating habits  – food they normally enjoyed seem either tasteless or worst still tastes of chemicals.  This can be a serious dietary problem then as people lose their appetites and start avoiding or feeling anxious about foods.


Smell Training

The good news is there is a simple and affordable remedy that experts are recommending people should try:  Smell Training.

The idea is that over period of months you  sniff different familiar odours twice a day for a minimum of four months.  The aim is to retrain the brain to recognise the lost smells.

They say to pick four things and use them in the smell routine twice a day over a few months. These can be simple household items any herbs e.g. mint, coffee, garlic, vanilla, oranges or lemons, toothpaste, washing up liquid – anything with a distinctive smell.

Put them in separate small baby food jars or use brown pill containers – it makes it hassle free.  You will also need to be able to fully relax and concentrate so find a quite space.

The process is then

  • Hold the open container close to your nose.
  • Take relaxed gentle sniffs it’s not to get it into the lungs – really concentrate on what you are trying to smell. Repeat a few more times (in total 20 seconds of sniffing)
  • Take a few breaths and then move onto the next one and repeat
  • Notice your experience and any improvements

Some experts also recommend the four smell categories Flowery, Fruity, Spicy and Resinous and have used essential oil of lemon, rose, clove and eucalyptus to good results.

Rinse your Nose

If your loss of smell could be caused by allergy or infection experts recommend rinsing the inside of your nose using a saline (salt water) solution.  Again, this one is easy and cheap to make at home.

  • First thing is to boil water and leave to cool to room temp.
  • Add a teaspoon of salt and a and a teaspoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) into the water.
  • With clean sterile hands, over a sink cup the palm of your hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it and rinse the nose.
  • It’s very important you make a fresh solution each day to prevent contamination.

Alternatively your local chemist will sell ready made kits and devices for this one – but same applies re clean hands and fresh solutions.


If you are affected by Smell Loss there are support organisations with more information.